"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord...." Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord...."   Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Confident With God

I have a blog post about ready to post that explains to you what has been happening in my life most of the year, so I won't detail that in this one. I haven't hit the send button for reasons like....its not the right time, its to honest, and I feel vulnerable when I let the world take a close look into my life. I think I will send it one day soon.

My life took on major change on Sept 13th when I opened Java Blend Cafe'. Those details are in another post.

 Being busy is a part of my life that I enjoy. Reading and writing are the avenues I use to release pressure and stress. I have stacks of books that I have picked up in the recent weeks that are calling for my attention. I told you before that the books I choose depend where I am in life and what I am doing. Several of the titles on my table now are, Emotional Intelligence by Dan Miller, Communication PLUS by Marita Littauer, and Taking The Risk by Ben Carson. I chose these books because I find myself in a position I never was in before....managing a business and working closely with employees. It is stretching and rewarding and I am very aware that I do not have the ability to make wise choices on my own and since I don't feel like learning everything the hard way, (by trial and error) I try to learn from people who are skilled teachers. I will never stop learning!

 Writing has taken the back seat in my life in the year 2018. That is also because of the many other things that require my attention. Often I felt the need to write, to get thoughts on paper, my fingers itched for the keyboard, I had ideas in my head, but they were squashed with more demanding things. I'm actually ok with that as well. It felt this year like God took me to places of intense focus, times when it was more important to listen then to be heard. I had soul searching days of struggle and wondering if I really understood His Plan for me. Many times I was powerless to change circumstances and could only wait on Him. And He never let me down! The answers to prayer have been" Above what I have asked for".

I also write for a ladies inspiration email group and have missed several deadlines. My weekly Budget letter in the Mennonite and Amish paper has dwindled very low. Its not because I don't care, and not because I don't want to write, its only that the demands of my new life have taken my scheduled life and thrown it to the wind. But it looks hopeful that my writing days are coming back. I'm seeing some stability and a certain form of schedule that comes with practice and learning and getting better at what one does. So even though I have been wanting to write I was also ok with this era of silence, this time of withdrawl and focusing on the demands of the day. Please pray for me, this venture is my ministry to my community and I am loving it!

The holidays always bring about that time of reflection when I look back and I deal with feelings of deep grief and genuine gratefulness, feelings of joy and sadness and the sharp pain of missing my husband. Its true that life goes on and we adjust to the new normal, but the holidays have a way of bringing back that intense desire for "what used to be". My children were here the Sunday before Christmas and we had a great time together. Randalls went to Montana for Christmas with Mary's family and plan to be back by the 5th. Justins spent part of the week in TN with Jessica's family. We spent Christmas day with some of the Zook family. Being surrounded by love is a blessing!

 We are at the threshold of the new year. There is not much time left to do things in 2018. What are your goals for 2019?  I was challenged in todays message at church to face the New Year with  confidence in God.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Mid - Life Crises

We've all heard it said by somebody that was in a time of uncertainty in their lives," I'm in mid-life crises". What really does that mean? I'm not here to really give any certain answers because its likely different for different people.

For some people the children may have all left home and suddenly you find yourself alone with your spouse and you wonder what life has to offer you now. Maybe after many years of being a homemaker and watching over many little people you suddenly discover one morning that your baby just went out the door and entered the world of school and you will be alone all day until the gang comes back home...and you wonder what to do in a quiet house by yourself all day!! Or perhaps you find yourself in a houseful of teenagers that appear smarter and wiser then you. Maybe you just had the big 40 birthday and the realization smacks you in the face that you still have unfulfilled dreams and time is running out. Did a life changing event take place and you can't find yourself settled in anything?

I don't know when I even first thought about mid-life crises. I do remember however when my 5th son entered 1st grade. Being alone in the house was a very big adjustment for me. Never mind the fact that there was lots of activity with the business here at home and Jonathan always came in for lunch. I was very seldom actually alone all day. It was still a big adjustment to not have any little ones around me.

 It was then that i discovered that unless I stayed busy and very occupied I would not function well. Jonathan was still recovering from his stroke 6 years prior and with a history of cancer anybody knows that it comes back way to often. My mind knew how to worry way to much and i did not enjoy those thoughts of fear and uncertainty. He encouraged me to do something that I would enjoy to help me stay focused. I sat in canning classes for 2 entire days to learn the regulations of canning to sell. I decided I didn't want to do that even though my inspector for the health department encouraged me to do it. I enjoyed canning but not good enough to do it to sell. Instead I started making fried pies to sell. That was a joint venture and we joked about making fried pies together after the boys take over the barn shop. God blessed our little efforts and it has kept me busier then i wanted to be sometimes.

I'm not sure how all of this mid-life stuff even works or how we know when its a mid-life crises or just a crises. After Jonathan passed away and I found myself very insecure and unsure about everything i felt like mid-life and grief hit me all at once, but maybe it wasn't the 2 together. Its hard to tell because grief has a way of causing you to totally loose yourself, at least the person that you used to be. I was reading about mid-life crises and found some interesting thoughts.

Mid-life should be a time of life to embrace change to become the person you dream to be.

Its important to have a positive outlook during mid-life so you can view it as a time for personal growth and improvement.

Sometimes mid-life is when we view ourselves as getting older and we realize we can't do all the things we used to do as quickly as we used to do them.

Here are 5 steps to help us ease into the aging process without to much shock

1.Sleep. Most people over 40 do not get the needed 7-8 hours of  uninterrupted sleep that they need for good health.

2.Stretch. Take a few minutes every day to stretch. If we do not use our muscles in activity they will waste away. Chronic back pain, muscle strain and many health issues are a result of being inactive. I know we all look forward to sitting on the porch and rocking with a large glass of sweet tea in our hand, but we need more muscle exsersize then just rocking!!

3. Get Moving. A daily walk can reduce blood pressure, heart rate,and strengthen the immune system.

4.Eat Healthy and Reduce sugar. An average American consumes 150-170 lbs of sugar each year! Oh dear, I hope i'm not the average. Sugar is the cause of much inflamation which has been related to many chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and arthritus. As little as 2 teaspoons of sugar can cause an imbalance in the body which is enough to invite disease. A diet high in sugar can leave your skin dull and wrinkly.

5. Accept that ageing is Inevitable. Your not as young as you might feel. We are going to get old unless we die young. Even though getting old may seem unpleasant we should be thankful we are blessed with many years.

I don't know what other people want from life .....everyone has there own dreams. I imagine there are many people that get what they want. I'm also sure that there are plenty of us that are disappointed because our dreams did not become reality. I suppose that's when we need Grace to accept the things that we can't change and be ok with life.

And so, could it be that whether we are in mid-life crises or perhaps simply facing changes or dealing with the reality that life did not give exactly what I hoped and dreamed....we look around and our friends are financially secure and they do what they want, when they want and go where they want, at least that's what it looks like to us, could it be that life is what we make it by our perspective? When I compare my life to what I wanted and what some others have then it becomes hard. But when I compare to those that have had and still have much less, many hardships and little support, it is then that I feel rich and blessed beyond measure.

There really are many changes in life. There really are plenty of things to deal with but an attitude of gratitude will make all the difference on really how hard life actually is.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

God's Timing or Random Happenings

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delighteth in HIs way. A long time ago a lady told me that she thinks the STOPS are ordered by God as well. That is something I am trying to grasp right now....because I am in a STOP position. Let me tell you....

a lovely pink explosion
the happy couple
Carlin's creation
The coffee shop has been coming along quite well. It has taken longer then we planned but it is getting done, thanks to a contractor from my church that is doing a fantastic job! However I have ordered natural gas since the middle of May and it is still not here. They told me then that it would be 2-3weeks. Its a little longer then that by now!! I am told the problem lies somewhere in a VDOT office where a new lady sits at the desk. The gas company is ready to do my job but she needs lots of paperwork that they have never had to do before. I cannot open until gas is here since my fryers and oven and water heater are all gas. We have started the final cleaning and have set up the dining room and within several days or a week we should be ready ......gas is the drawback!

I have been trying to figure out if this is all a part of God's timing or if its an annoyance I have to deal with because somewhere a woman is being difficult. I know...you are thinking that I need to commit it to God regardless of  the reason and I agree with you.... It seems to me that if I would know that this is God's perfect timing then I could rest better. But when a human being is actually making life difficult, well then it's just hard to be Ok with that. I found this quote and thought it was really good.

                  AND NOT ACT OUT OF CONTROL.
So I'm sure I need to rest and let God take care of it.

Some exciting things have happened here as well! Grandbaby number 3 is well on the way and SHE will break the tie on the guy girl amount in this family. The girl number is growing! Justin's will welcome the little miss in Nov. They did a gender reveal one evening and when he shot into the ball that had been prepared ahead of time the pink powder puffed in a large cloud and this grandma did some noisy loud happy sounds! Jonathan would LOVE this! I am having so much fun buying girl clothes, toys and hair accessories. I am really terrible at fixing Mckenzie's hair tho'. It's not hard to tell that this grandma has had no experience with keeping hair out of a little girls eyes.

isn't she adorable
So by the looks of things I was not very successful in not having a garden. It is true that I thought I wasn't going to plant much. And I only planted 4 tomato plants and about that many pepper plants. And there actually were quite a few things that I did  not plant that  I normally do. I bought green bean seeds, corn seeds and sugar pea seeds and onion bulbs. The rest of the stuff was old seeds left over from last year. I had several packets of cucumber seeds and planted them all because I did not expect them to grow very well. In fact its probably the first time in 15 years that I did not trellis the plants. I didn't think it would be worth going to the extra work since last year they did horrible and I didn't pick even one. Well they grew like crazy and I have picked pickles by the buckets! And I do not want anymore after Monday. My green beans produced like crazy and I'm done with them plus a friend picked enough for 30 qt. I only planted wrinkled old potatoes from last years harvest and they are growing amazingly well. Not a bug in sight. A friend informed me that if you wait until June to plant potatoes you will not have bugs. It sure has worked here! The corn is what is making my garden look huge again. I thought I had planted all the corn we would need and I even had plenty of empty space in the garden. I planted 4 rows the first time, the next time I planted 10 rows, that was supposed to be enough for all of us to freeze for the winter and my neighbor usually wants several hundred ears to freeze. But it came up terrible! So spotty and the rows were not full at all. I was so disappointed! So I decided that I had better plant some more since it looked like we were only going to get a half crop.  And I planted 7 more rows. The garden is still not full, so I really did plant less then normal. Well about the same time that I planted the last corn it also rained. We had had a little dry spell. And of all things ....the corn seeds that had not come up suddenly popped right out!! I don't know why . I don't know that that ever happened before! It still looks really weird because the same rows have many different sizes of corn! And of course the last 7 that I planted are just growing by leaps and bounds on weeks like this with so perfect weather. So I have lots of corn planted and if no disaster strikes and the critters don't eat it all we should be a bunch of corn fed people. And I have been pulling weeds this week...it was really bad!! But, you know what? Even tho the garden is work and I really hate when it is covered in weeds, I still love the feeling of crawling on my knees through the rows and getting dirty, hot and sweaty! There is something about the clear air and green plants that help to clear my brain, that take the fog from my body caused by intense business decisions. I get to be in the garden totally alone( have you ever heard of teenagers doing garden volunteer work) with my thoughts. No, I haven't been very successful at not having a garden, but it has been good therapy.

Recently I picked up a book at Goodwill, that is still the first section I walk to when I enter Goodwill, and the title is..When God Winks At You. It is one of those little books that has short little stories that you can read anytime anywhere. He says those times when a "random" good thing happens to you it is not a happening at all but it is one of those times when God specifically did something special for you. Its like when you are at the table and you look up and someone is watching you and smiles or winks at you. That is what those "random happenings" are to you. A Godwink.

I'm going to tell you about one that came to me on Fathers Day morning June 2018. I hesitated to tell this story because it is very personal and also it is so random I could not believe God would do that for me. After reading the book I decided I needed to recognize God's kindness.

Father's Day crept up quietly on us, I knew all week it was coming but the boys and I did not talk about it. However by Sat. night it hit me that I was going to sit in church the next day and listen to a Father's Day message. I was dreading it! I went to bed thinking.....I don't want to go to church....but I have to go to teach the youth girls sunday school class....I could leave right after that....but then I'd come home and sit by myself and have a pity party...whats so noble about that? I could sit on the back pew so no one sees me cry...and on and on my sorry thoughts went. I woke up Sunday morning with the same nasty train of thoughts. I didn't want to go to church but skipping was not going to be fun either. I took my Bible and sat at the picnic table to study the Sunday School lesson. I would deal with my sorry thoughts later. I was aroused by my phone ringing and it was the church phone relay. They said ," Due to power outage at church and several homes in the surrounding area services will be postponed 1 hour and if power comes on we will have Sunday School." I listened, stunned, in absolute amazement!! Why is the power off on a perfectly clear Sunday morning in VA? No storms, no accident, no fire. Just simply no power!! How can that be? My heart took on rejoicing because now I did not need to sit through a Father's Day message fighting my emotions. I was sooo happy. But I still found it hard for me to grasp that it really was a gift from God to me. Afterall, my thoughts were not very noble. And so I only told a very few chosen people. But after reading the book I  decided it was right for me to accept it as a gift from God because He really does care about my pain. So if I actually do hit the SEND button you will see that I believe "random" happenings are God's gifts to you and me. And I have made a new determination to recognize those "random" things and thank God for them.

I also want to be very clear that I do not think preachers should stop preaching Father's Day messages because it could be hard for someone sitting in the pew. No, not at all. I simply believe that God showed me in a very personal way that He cared about my pain that day.

Tell me about your Winks from God.


Friday, June 8, 2018

Living Life

The long winter was a bit depressing at times but it did not freeze my computer.....
I did not loose my mood to write but I was blank on what to write....
I even started writing several times but then I deleted all of it because it was just not worth reading...
My brain was filled with many busy thoughts that I could not write.
My brain was storming ideas that were not stories or challenging thoughts.

Mckenzie and Carlin
So there, I'm telling you why I was silent for so long. For the past entire year I was considering and praying much about  a venture that Jonathan and I talked about sometimes, but I don't know if I ever really believed it would actually happen. However, to make a long story short I am excited to say that I will be opening a coffee shop in about a month. I bought a building that used to be a small diner and we are renovating it. The boys have put many hours into that place and it is finally starting to look like we are getting somewhere. My bakery that I have here at home will be moved to the coffee shop and I will continue to wholesale fried pies like I have been doing for the past 6 years. So you can only imagine how full of STUFF my brain is, and it doesn't happen to be writing ideas! We still have plenty to do before we can open but it is fun to see the fresh painted walls, new windows and fresh look! There are many things that I am nervous about and being an employer is one of them. With not having any girls of my own  and now suddenly knowing how to manage a handful of them...well that part looks a bit scary. Over all though I am excited and apprehensive and I'm trusting totally on God. I could tell you many stories of God's leading in this venture but since they feel a bit personel you will need to come have coffee with me where we can chat in person. In the meantime I am in constant need of prayers!

I will share why I have decided to pursue a coffee shop. I have been wholesaling fried pies for several years and my bakery building is getting to small. Also the orders are getting to big to comfortably take care of it myself. I do have 2 girls that come and help to make them but I do all the before and after work which of course is the hardest work. Making them is the fun part. Since a coffee shop thought had already been planted in my brain it started to sprout and grow when a building became available that is close by. Somewhere in my brain I am also thinking about my future and I'm also very aware that living alone might not be many years down the road and I wanted to have something with purpose to keep me occupied. I am not the Mennonite grandma that will sit at a quilt and quilt the day away! Oh no! I don't even like to quilt at our sisters sewing, I just do it sometimes to act my age! And I don't relish the thought of living in a little house in the woods where I can watch birds and bears. No , I much prefer a bit noisier life then that and  I enjoy making food and I love being with people. So I really want this coffee shop to be a little mission where I can make good food and shine God's love into this community. I tell my children that I will be easier to care for if I am occupied! They totally support me and I am blessed.
Mckenzie and Aviana

Aside from the coffee shop I am a grandma with more big news! Randall's were blessed with another little girl named Aviana Joy. She is 2 weeks old now and a sweet little miss. Her big sister loves her so much! Justin's are expecting a baby as well! I am loving this grandma world! Mckenzie is 2 and has wrapped herself tight around my heart. She loves washing dishes with me and stirring up whatever I am mixing at the counter. She plays in the sandbox and loves when Carlin jumps on the trampoline with her and takes her on bike rides. Her uncles adore her and she gets lots and lots of attention. And we can't help but remember that she is missing a super good grandpa! Jonathan would be so proud of her!

We passed several milestones in the past several months. Jonathan's stroke and loss of speech in 2004, Carlin's 14th birthday and the memories that surround his birth. Jonathan was just out of the hospital for a month when Carlin was born and he could not talk at all. So very many memories that bring back the pain and the keen sense of loss. And then the return of cancer in 2013, the decisions, the fear and the never failing Grace that flowed from our merciful God...it simply cannot be described! 2015 brought the reality of loosing the cancer fight and 3 years ago on April 5th our loss was his Gain! God has been Faithful! Yes, there are still tears, there are still times of intense longings and many times of simply surrendering to God's plan yet again. But we trust our God.

Gifts that came to my door
It's spring time and time to get into the soil. The soft dirt between my toes and dirty finger nails. Its time to walk behind the tiller and find fat earthworms that are doing good deeds down there. All of those things sound inviting but....this year. This year I am doing what my children have begged me to do for several years. My garden will not be very big. In fact I don't even feel like planting much at all. The biggest deciding factor was that with the coffee shop just starting I am afraid I will not enjoy the garden and it will cause me stress if I don't have time to work in it. The other reason is that it is simply way to big for 4 people. I thought I was going to fill it with corn and then sell the corn because there is always someone that wants corn, but if I do that then we still need to weed it. And that doesn't happen to be a hobby around here!! It is better to be flexible and accept changes even if it affects things I love to do. I have planted some things in the garden and I always plant several tomatoe plants in pots and put them on the deck as well as a pepper plant and a cucumber plant and some lettuce. There is nothing better then growing salad right outside the door!

Another new venture I started in Jan was going to Grief Share classes. I had been encouraged by several widows to go. I was extremely hesitant but I finally mustered up enough courage. It was a stretch for me to sit with total strangers and share my story however as time went on I did enjoy it. Unfortunately I dropped out before the 13 classes were complete because I had to many other pressing things to do after we started working at the coffee shop. I hope to make those classes available in my coffee shop eventually and I also want to start some kind of widows ministry as God opens the doors.

Those are some of  the things that have been happening around here. Tell me what is going on with you. I love to hear your comments!

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Hello Africa Part 2

So, quite a few people have asked me,"What was your highlight of the whole trip"? I found the question hard to answer at first because I loved all of it. There is however one thing that I would never want to miss if I was spending the money on a plane ticket anyway and that is The Mara. The children think I am funny because I was the very one that said," I don't need to go to the Mara, its to expensive, I know what lions, giraffes, gazalles and monkeys look like. I don't need to spend my money to go see animals". Yes I really did say those things. But Jessica said it wasn't worth going if we didn't go to the Mara, or something like that. Sorry Tony's and Johnny's, I think we did come to see you too, but you know my children had to say something to get me to cooperate. So I said "OK" like wise mothers with even wiser children should do.

And I have never been sorry!The place was absolutely amazing. The 5 star Resort put us in luxury not common to this simple southerner. The beauty of the lawns and the hospitality of the hosts...The air was warm and dusty so upon arrival we were greeted with warm welcomes and cool wet washcloths to wipe our faces. Our luggage was put into our tents by eager workers. Yes, I said tents but they were not tents like you imagine. They were mini house tents complete with running water, showers,spacious rooms, coffee, rockers,soft sheets, warm blankets,and room service. Every morning hot coffee and cookies was delivered to my room 45 minutes before we left for the first game drive. Every night hot water bottles were hiding under the blankets to keep my feet from freezing when I crawled into bed. It was amazing!

We got into the Land Rovers at 6:30 still shivering in the cool morning air after having enjoyed the hot coffee and cookies, but also fully aware that it would be 2 hours before we would be able to use a bathroom. You know how that feels...coffee and drinks and feeling chilled=a bladder that is full. Well there is no way that anyone gets out of a vehicle in lion country, so we drank coffee with caution. They also gave us blankets to wrap up with since the rovers did not have any windows and it is cold in Africa early in the morning.

We split up in 2 separate rovers and always went into the same vehicle for every game drive. There was an early morning drive and afternoon one as well. The drivers were fun and could speak English and it was obvious that they were very alert to our conversations. They all had ways of communication to all the rovers that left the park so when one party spotted a nice animal they would radio the others and we would all end up gazing at the massive elephants, graceful giraffs or sneaking cheata. We had wonderful success at seeing the wild animals and were so happy to get good views of the Big 5 as they are called there. It includes the rhino, elephant, cape buffalo, lion and leapard.

One day we were so excited to see 2 male lions stalking a gazelle. We thought we might get to watch a kill, but no. These lions however were walking RIGHT BESIDE our rover, like 4 feet away. And remember we did not have windows either. This was not at a zoo where a zoo keeper would protect you, it was not a tame or trained animal putting on a show. This was real live lions that were looking for supper and they were doing what is natural for them to do. We were on their territory. The driver told us that the animals are used to the rovers but if we would make noise or children would move around very much then they would notice that, so of course we did our best at gazing in silence. Mckenzie was awe struck at the sight of those lions and kept exclaiming in loud baby jabbers! This grandma finally gave her a bag of Juice+ to eat so she stays quiet. I thought about Daniel in the lions den all night with those beasts, I thought about what it would feel like to be supper for them and I gazed in amazement and thought about the grandeur of me being in Africa in lion territory, and that I didn't want to go...not at all!

We also had some wonderful elephant sightings. Sitting in a windowless rig with 3 massive elephants 20 feet away gives you a spectacular view of just how huge those things really are. I remembered when my children were there in 2016 and a vehicle wouldn't start up and the elephant was charging at them... and I prayed our rig would start up when it needed to. To know that they are very able to flip a vehicle if they get mad and they would also crush it is not the most pleasant thought when you are watching them so very close. Its amazing how they pull grass with their trunks and then put it into their mouths.Their ears are huge and they look like a very strong and solid creature!

The leapard was very sly and shy. Carlin spotted him one evening on our way back to the park and it was getting dark. We saw him again the next day but he did his best to hide in the bush and we didn't get long views of him.

The giraffes towered high above the trees and could be seen miles in the distance. Imagine being so tall! Our driver told us that once a driver came around some trees and scared the giraffes and one kicked at the rover and hit the windshield breaking the window. No one was hurt thankfully.

We got out of the rover and walked to the rhinos. There are only 2 on the plains and they are guarded at all times from poachers. Two guards stay with them, one carries a stick and the other a gun. We were told the gun would be used on the poachers and the stick is to use on the animals. It was kind of cool taking selfies with the rhinos behind us. We were very close to them!

It rained several times when we were there so the plains were muddy some places. We drove through some incredible ruts and got stuck several times. I would always look around to make sure there was no animal stalking us . We were always able to roar and spin and back up and try again and jerk around until we got out of there. One time as we were entering one of those muddy ravines I braced myself for the speed and the jerk etc but I failed to grab hold of the bar. Suddenly I found myself ejected right out of my seat! The feeling was amazing and yet I could not do one thing to stop myself. I probably would have flown right out the window if the space would have been clear but instead I hit something or someone, I forget how that was.

Another animal that deserves mention is the monkey. They were so big and ugly and impressive in their own way but I am so thankful that they are not my ancestors! What a disgrace to suppose that we came from such undignified creatures. One day while we were out on a game drive a monkey got into Johnny and SueAnn's tent. He must have smelled the bananas and either the tent was not zipped properly or he figured out how to open it. He went into their room and made a mess, ate bananas and scattered trash etc. The room keeper found him and cleaned up the mess before we got back so we never got to see the mess. I never got to see any of the monkeys around our tents. I was told those were cute but I could not see any tho I walked up and down the walkway gazing into the trees.

The hippos were in the river below our tents but thankfully there was a fence separating us. They are for sure not gazed upon for their beauty. I am amazed and amused at the variety God used in the Creation. For sure He is a God of order but He must love to see what animal he can give a long snout or huge teeth or the roundest belly. Those for sure do not win any beauty contest! We could hear them honking in the early morning hours, or maybe it was snoring, I don't know but it was a loud noise!

The food and dining was another experience not common to me. The building was large and spacious with lots of tables. We could also eat outside if we wanted to, on the deck or in the shade close to the pool. The breakfast spread was elaborate and we were hungry by 10, since all we had was cookies and coffee. Breakfast was the only meal that was served buffet style. Every meal was quite satisfying and it was such a pleasure to be so pampered....no laundry, no dishes, no work at all just great service for everything we wanted!

We also went out to the Masai Village one day. That was an experience all its own. If you want to see people that live from the earth and all their needs are met by their simple surroundings, well go visit them. A group of them also came to the lodge one evening and danced for us. They are very strong young men with straight backs that can jump with a super good bounce! It was all very interesting! After spending 2 days and 3 nights at the Resort it was time to leave again and go back to real Africa where poverty is everywhere, where people live in little huts and animals share the same shelter the humans do. Back to busy highways where people drive like crazy and speed bumps are the only thing that forces anyone to slow down! And so we did just that. We did the long weary drive to Kisumu and spent the weekend with Waynes and Joes. I could not believe I was giving Clara a hug in Africa or seeing Wayne speak in a church with a gravel floor. I could not believe I had really gone to Africa without Jonathan...that was by far the hardest! Realizing over and over that I am not sharing this awesome experience with him! And so I smiled and I laughed and I felt a certain sense of satisfaction that I went to Africa, but I cried sometimes when nobody knew and nobody saw. And those tears cleared my jumbled head and the next day I smiled again and I knew that it was all going to be ok..and it was.

When I was in Africa I thought I would never be the same again, that I would look at life with a better view. I thought I would count my blessings more and never feel needy. When I compare my life to the life of a widow in Africa....well, there is simply no comparison! They have so many tribal rules that even a Christian widow can barely break free from. My heart pains for the needs they have! But the ones that find Jesus are so happy. It was such a joy to see them smile and sing. I thought I wouldn't need to go shopping for a long time, but guess what. I found myself at wal-mart the very next week! After all, I don't make my own butter or cheese and we need to buy eggs and the indoor septic works best if we use toilet paper. So, since I live in America I also live like an American. But I hope I never forget that so many things that I enjoy are actually undeserved blessings.

Several weeks ago we were showing our pictures to the Zook family and one little niece said that they would like to go to Africa but it costs to much money. Justin explained to her that we exchanged money for memories, that we don't have the money now but we have all these fun things to think about. I think that anyone that has the money really should go exchange it for memories...you will never regret it!!

In the meantime remember....You have so much to be thankful for!

Monday, January 29, 2018

Hello Africa

Justin and Jessica were the first ones to mention a family trip to Africa. I am all about doing family things together but this was different....a family trip to Africa is just a whole lot different then a trip to PA or OH. The expense, the getting ready, and just leaving all our stuff and the business...one can't just run off! This was a big deal! I had the feeling from the very first discussion that I was going to loose in this debate so I never really balked a whole lot. I kinda just didn't say anything. It didn't even help to ask advice from other friends because everyone thought we should go. So we bought tickets and went!

There was a lot of work! Lots of people wanted to send stuff for friends and family and our lists were scanned critically wondering if we could get it all in. Johnnies and Tony's needed stuff and we wanted to take foods that they can't get there or that are to expensive for them to buy. Jessica was the main person to get the totes packed. This was the 8th time she was flying to Africa and she was excited about going and she knew how to pack. We could each take 2 50lb checkins plus our carryons. We had lots of stuff!!So with 8 adults plus one 50 lb for Mckenzie we had 17 50 lb pieces.

Honestly I thought I would not be able to sleep at all the night before but thankfully I did. Noah and Arla took us to the airport and so began our journey......

The flights were full going over and the night was much longer then any night when I am tucked in the comforts of my bed. Trying to sleep in a mostly upright position is just not comfortable!  Obviously I had never done a trip like this before and I was extremely envious when I saw another passenger pull his toothbrush from his bags. My hair was greasy my clothes felt frumpy and my teeth Oh dear...they felt terrible! Taking walks down the aisle to the restroom both to bring bladder relief and get my stiff body a bit limbered was challenging with a head that felt really fuzzy.  And my gut already felt tight ....no excersize to keep things moving and the airplane food does not happen to be my favorite. Plus we were already so mixed up in our schedule . I was still dead tired from sleeping zero on the first flight and they wanted to give us breakfast. Ugh...it was like trying to eat in the middle of the night.

I was fascinated while landing in Zurich and seeing the Swiss Alps covered with snow with a sunrise glistening over them. The sight was breathtaking! I thought about Heidi and Grandfather and Peter as they lived in the Alps and suddenly I was sorry that I was not spending 2 days touring Switzerland. I remember reading Heidi when I was a little girl and for some reason Switzerland was in the top 5 of places I'd like to visit( tho I don't know where the other 4 places are). Switzerland sounds fascinating, I could understand a few words in the language and could read signs at the airport. Thanks to the Dutch/German in me. The chocolate looked rich and creamy and it was like daylight robbery to buy any. I love the accent when they talk. The little I know about the Swiss culture seems fascinating, things like yodeling and cheese making and I'm pretty sure that being a tourist there would be really fun! However we stayed inside the walls of the airport and Starbucks  was horribly expensive but the only place to eat. The airport was not really that neat and I was very tired.

After another 9 hours of flying we landed in Nairobi Africa. Going through customs was trying but it was mostly because we were hot and tired and nobody moved with any sense of the word "Hurry". It was absolutely delightful to find Tony's waiting for us! Our drive to the hotel was less then an hour and they bought pizza so we could eat before crawling into beds. Showers felt amazing and I dug around in my luggage trying to find my toothbrush, but Alas, it was not there! I was close to being mad! How on earth could I possibly go away for almost 3 weeks and not have packed my toothbrush? I grabbed my toothpaste and squirted some on my finger and viciously rubbed it over my teeth. The taste was refreshing but the feel was not! I sank into bed breathed a huge muscle releasing deep breath and Thanked God for safety on the flights. The thing that I had feared was now behind me...I was ready for the adventures of Africa.

The next morning we ate breakfast at Java House. They are the neatest coffee shops that serve more then coffee and our stomachs felt delightfully filled. I already forget exactly but I think our drive back to the Mission was 5 hours and we got to experience driving habits in an entirely new culture! Speed bumps are normal, seeing a vehicle come right toward you and then quick disappear in the line of traffic is nothing to fret about and sharing the roads with walkers, bikers, vendors, trucks, busses, cows and goats is just a way of life. I declare the angels have to be very busy with so much chaos everywhere. I tried hard to be a good guest and not make noises when I was scared but a few times my hand did some quick motions and I may have done a quiet little gasp but I mostly kept my feelings to myself. However a few times I was caught in the act of my hand jumping up...I tried to cover up  and  quickly adjust my glasses or rub my face but my children caught on and found it amusing.

Spending time with Johnnies and Tony's ( both being Jonathan's brothers) was so much fun! I realized like never before that compound life, the life they live, is a stretch on privacy, that shopping in America is a breeze compared to Africa and that missionaries are a group of human beings trying to live out God's command of telling the Good News of the Gospel just like we are called to do and that they don't have any extra credentials or magic potions to make them Holy other then the Power of God as they apply it to their lives.

When SueAnn packs a bag to go on a 2 hour run she needs to take water bottles and also enough for the children, she packs toilet paper because the "Choe" won't have any, she needs to take food because you can't swing by ChicFaLa. Her food will not be pretzels or chips or crackers and cheese or lunch meat either. She needs to plan ahead and make fiber balls, or cut up fruit or veggies. I am amazed at all the things we take for granted and the ease of getting our luxuries! GermX is also important in a handbag. When we went shopping the bargaining nearly drove me wacky! I either don't want something or I buy it when I shop here at home. Not there! If I made the grand mistake of picking up an item to look at it I instantly had the seller in my face wanting me to make an offer. I DO NOT LIKE THAT! But then again, Dave Ramsey says that America is the only country that does not bargain while shopping. Maybe we are just to polite! There were times when I felt rude in just walking off but ...can't buy from everyone! I relied heavily on Judith to get me through the bargaining deals.

We visited several native homes and ate meals with them. The food was always delicious! I was reminded in a way like never before that we live in 2 different worlds. Nothing we do is even slightly the same and our homes and way of life do not even compare. I loved visiting with several of the ladies as best as we could with a language barrier. I felt very rich and like I better never ever complain or be unthankful. They were so happy and highly honored that we visited their homes.

We packed parcels for orphans at the CAM warehouse one day, another day we cleaned the dorms and facilities that they were going to be using for Bible School. We visited Waynes and Joes in Kisumu. They took us to a local orphanage where we got to feed the babies. Of course, even tho we were on "vacation" there was always plenty of laundry to do and they do not have dryers. Now I do not mind at all hanging laundry on a wash line, I do that all the time in the summer and when the weather is decent. Well on a Sat in Kisumu I had done some laundry throughout the day and when I went to bed it was still not dry. The pants that Jeremy was going to wear for church were still a bit damp so I figured they could stay out overnight and I would iron them in the morning to get the dampness out of them....very bad choice!! I woke up during the night and listened to a heavy downpour and groaned inwardly knowing very well that those pants would never be dry now. I decided that as soon as it was daylight I would go get them and put them in front of the fan but if they were to wet he could wear others that were not very nice but....who cares...this is Africa. I woke up at daybreak when my fan stopped blowing air. Oh no! The electricity went off! I could not believe this was happening to me. Instantly I heard mosquitoes buzzing around me and that was the end of my sleep! We were supposed to keep the fans turned on us to keep mosquitoes away because there are lots of people getting malaria in Kisumu, and I didn't want to be one of them tho' I kind of figured it would be my luck...but it wasn't! So there I was thinking about wet pants no electricity and stupid msquitoes! I couldn't even make coffee! The electricity came back on after 15min or so and I went out for the pants. Thankfully they were hanging under a roof and were only damp instead of soaked and sure enough the fan and the iron did what I wanted it to do and Jeremy wore them for church.

We helped with the chicken butchering at the mission compound. That job is for sure not my favorite but it was interesting to do it with so many people and it was done very quickly and efficiently! Breakfast was enjoyed by everyone after the work was done. I think we started butchering at 5:30 am. It was not a "sleep in" morning.  Only one day did we just sit around and not have a plan. On that day we celebrated Thanksgiving day with Tony's and Johnnies. We had been at the Mara on Thanksgiving day and we wanted to do a traditional meal and relax. It was very good from the ham to the strawberry jam and the frozen corn and pumpkin pies most of which were all specialty foods that we took over for them. SueAnn made the pumpkin pies but I think the canned pumpkin went over with us.

Our stay at the Mara was absolutely awesome but that will be my next post  . Hello Africa Part 2 will be coming soon.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Happy New Year

Christmas Dinner
I woke up on Monday to a new day, but that is normal. Every day is new. But that morning was different because it was also a new year. In my lazy morning I pondered the NEW year thought. What makes a New Year special? What do I want from this next year? Did I do anything new last year?

I thought about a lot of things and I also considered this journey called widowhood. I'm aware that I have changed a bit in some of my earlier fears and insecurities. I remember the terror I felt in a crowd, at a fellowship dinner or just being in the public and I find a little bit of satisfaction in knowing that those fears are not as intense. I'm happy in knowing that I can smile easier, cry less and feel a certain degree of normal. I find comfort in the fact that I must be moving on in this grief process. There is a certain sense of satisfaction in being able to cry my eyes out privately and come away smiling knowing I didn't ruin the event for the people around me because of my tears.

 In 2017 I saw my baby, my 5th son turn 13 and fast heading toward 16! When did that happen. how is it possible that my sons are all in their teens and older. My 4th son turned 18 and grew wings, going to new places and meeting new people. On Friday he left for 6 weeks of Bible School. The house is way to quiet without him! My 3rd son turned 20 and bought a car. Those big events are always stressful for me without their father's direction but thanks to uncle Jason he was under good instruction. The newest, biggest and happiest and most difficult event was Justin's wedding. Weddings have always been very important and special to us. We would sit in the pews and listen to the preacher as he instructed the young couple in practical ways to keep there love alive. It was fun to poke each other and whisper"did you get that"?It was fun to remember the feelings and the wonder of our own wedding day.

But to share the intense joy and happiness with a son in the absence of his father was a new degree of happiness. It was wonderful to gain a new daughter, to see them be so happy was awesome and yet .....that void was deep!

It was also a year of watching my oldest son put his fathering skills to good use. My little granddaughter is not always an angel and to see my own son be a daddy is quite amazing! He is also the son that revives my computer after 2 months of me complaining about the thing that won't do anything. I can never understand why my computer blinks at me and gives me blank screens and all I can do is try with sweaty hands to bring it back to life and it won't listen. Randall sits down and clicks here and shuts that down and restarts this and organizes my files and deletes  trash and backs up that and wow! Its just like new. That's why it was silent here for so long!Its nice to have a techy son!

Among several new things that I did, the biggest one was a trip to Africa in Nov. It really was the trip of a lifetime for me and once again I was reminded that my sons are now men. In fact, the caring rules have already reversed in some areas. On this trip they were the ones in charge, they were the ones looking out for me etc. It was very strange but also very beautiful! They would say," mom do you have your ticket ready, whats your seat number, are you ok there or should I switch with you?"I didn't worry a bit about getting on the next flight, I simply followed them to the next gate and all was well.
Mckenzie loves coffee and cookies
However, I have never enjoyed flying. Really in all honesty I hated flying! These flights were long and tested my endurance but with my family around me it was not so bad. I was actually amazed at the peace I felt through it all. I will tell you about that trip on a later post.

Having my 85 year old Mother here for a week over Christmas was very special. I hope that if I get old I will be as sweet as she is! We could talk about our lives and understand each other. I know Mothers and Daughters should be able to anyway but since we have both lost our husbands our bond is deeper. Mom and Dad were married 50 years. For us it was almost 24 years. Some things never change even with time and that one thing is the intense desire to be able to discuss issues, deep issues with your loved one. When our world and our churches and our families change that one person was a safe person to share with and when they are gone we feel like we cannot share with anyone that understands or even really hears us. And so that was special because we just "got it" with each other.

My children blessed me with some new things for Christmas. Randy's gave me new folding chairs. Some of my folding chairs we got for a wedding gift from his parents and they had done there share of work. The boys kept telling me they were worn out and I needed to get others ...I guess I waited long enough! Justin's got me new dishes also replacing old wedding gift corelle dishes. In my era it was the tradition that the youth girls from church would buy 2 sets of corelle dishes for the bride. It was a lovely gift...but after seeing all the pretty dishes that girls get now days I mentioned once that I wished mine would break. I don't even know if Justin and Jessica knew that but they sure did a great job of choosing pretty square plates. Its so much fun setting the table with them! My mother gave me a money gift and I intend to get new curtains for my bedroom windows replacing the ones that have been there for 15 years. Its so much fun getting new stuff at the new year!
More games
And so of course I wonder....what will come my way this year? Sometimes we face the New Year with dread, maybe a sense of fear too. The world is changing so quickly and we don't like all the changes we see. I find comfort in knowing that The mercies of the Lord are NEW every morning, not just every January 1st, but every single day His mercies are there for us as fresh as ever! And that His grace is never exhausted, there is always enough for whatever hard thing I face. Always and every day I can draw from His kind mercy and grace. Every day I can appreciate something New. Our God is just Awesome!