"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord...." Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord...."   Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Jolly Adventure

 Back in August one day I was talking to my mom on the phone and she told me she was making a quilt to donate to the Haiti auction. I asked her if she ever attended the Haiti auction and she said she had not. I had not either but that was an auction that Jonathan always would have loved to attend and the past 2 winters I really wanted to take him to the sunny south to attend it but he was always too sick to go by the time that January rolled around. The January Haiti auction is held in Sarasota FL and that is where I went. It so turned out that Marty and I drove my vehicle and took my 83 year old mother and her 77 year old sister with us. We were a unique set...2 old ladies and 2 young ones.

 Our adventures have been many and this has not been even slightly boring! Number one, being in a part of the world where there are so many Amish and Mennonites is an adventure in itself! We rented 3 wheeled bikes and have been biking all over this town. Today Marty and I went 6 miles round trip on our bikes. It was actually pretty much fun but the bookstore we wanted to shop at was not worth going to so we found several other stores in that part of town. On the way home we wanted a frappe from McDonald and because we were on bikes we decided to go through the drive through. No luck tho', they never seemed to know we were there. There was a man going through the other drive through that seemed a bit amused at the sight of us but then a lady drove up behind us and she seemed really grouchy and stressed about us so we pulled away from the drive thru lane and Marty went inside while I watched our bikes. We wonder if men are just naturally more good natured and less stressed than women or why it struck the 2 so differently?

 The tornado on Sat. night was for sure more excitement then we needed! I went to bed knowing that severe thunderstorms were in the forecast and when I woke up at 3:30 and saw the lightening and heard the thunder I was a it uncomfortable but I checked the time and rolled over intending to sleep. Suddenly the weather alert on my phone did its noisy tones. I picked it up and it said tornado warnings seek shelter immedietly. Those alerts are nasty enough at home, but here in a rented house with no basement,!! what in the world was I to do? I opened my door and our host lady was in her living room and had also gotten the alerts.. We ended up going into the shower, its a fairly big wheelchair accessible one and also has a handicap chair in it. Mom sat on the chair while the rest of us hunched around her and we began to pray. I wonder if even the angels smiled with twinkling eyes as they hovered over us. It wasn't even slightly funny at the moment but now.....these are some of our laughing discussions. At some point in time Aunt Katie got some pillows and blankets and brought them into the shower and she also brought her purse. We may have stayed in there 10 minutes, it seemed longer but...anyhow it was windy and dumping the rain. And then it got quiet and Aunt Katie said," Now it stopped" and Marty and I looked at each other with the look of, this is not good' but we didn't mention it. We kept checking the weather on our phones and decided that the danger was over. We did stay up until 5 watching the weather. A decent amount of damage was done 10minutes from here but just a quarter mile away a trailer roof was torn off and tree branches were tossed about and a power line came down. The news said it was a hop , skip and jump type of tornado. Windows were blown out of tall buildings farther away and 2 people were killed in a trailer 10miles from here.It was not the worst tornado in the world but it was bad enough to be scary, and its very unusual for this area. History says that Pinecraft, which is this little village, used to be an army base and the reason they chose this area for the base was because storms always go around it. There is no record of a storm here in Pinecraft. Interestingly enough, that very thing happened again on Sat. night. Tornadoes went by on either side. So the next day we were discussing all that happened and we were ribbing Aunt Katie that she thought about her money, She said, "Well I still wanted money to go home", to which mom said, " I didn't think money was going to help us any if we all got killed."  I had also at some point put mine and Marty's purses in the bathroom, just in case stuff started to blow around! It has been so much fun being in discussions and listening to these wise old women talk. I hope I manage to be so sweet when I get old!

 Biking on 3 wheeled bikes was an adventure and it was really fun getting these old ladies that are not used to biking at all, on those bikes. They both enjoyed it, too! There were so many people on bikes and we had to look out for bikers and walking folks, golf carts, and motor wheelchairs, among the vehicles. One day several other Pinecraft ladies took Mom and Aunt Katie out and about visiting other old people. They biked across Bahia Vista Street and that was an amazing accomplishment with it being such a busy street!! We had to be very careful to remember to tie up our bikes because little thieves from town would steal them in broad daylight if they saw a bike that was not chained and locked. In fact one day while we were gone with our vehicle a lady noticed a fellow sitting out by our bikes that were tied up by our house. She chased him off but it was a good warning for us.

 We spent several hours on the beach 2 different days but it was never very warm. That was disappointing! But the beauty of the ocean was awesome. The crashing waves, and the roaring water sound, the white sand with the breeze on our face and the bright sunshine.....aweeee...that is why I went to FL. It was just not warm enough to really enjoy the beach!

 Its been said that Pinecraft has 3 types of people
           The Newly Weds
           The nearly deads and
          The hot heads
 I don't know which category I am in but .......I was there anyway!

 And the Haiti auction was very interesting! Somehow I like watching the people better than actually watching the auction. The best thing about the day was that the quilt that mom made and donated was the highest selling quilt!! I was sitting on the side bleachers and watched the bidders and saw who bought it. I decided they needed to know that my 83 year old mother made that quilt so I talked to them and introduced mom to them. She was shaky with excitement and the boys decided she had the same rush that they get when they shoot a deer and its called "buck fever" only in this case its called "quilt fever".  

 It was a bit hard to figure out why I decided to go to FL this year, the first year that Jonathan is not here. I don't think I really figured it out yet. It was very good to relax  and be carefree for a week and just not have a schedule and deadlines to meet. We made memories that we will never forget, we laughed over things only women can laugh at and we learned that old women are a party to spend a week with!

 We came home one day earlier than we had planned too because of the blizzard weather predictions. We were all just a little sad about that but driving in snowy conditions is not my idea of pleasure. And the snow did come and they are all snowed in at my house so the party continues!


Monday, January 11, 2016

A New Year

Dec.31 2014
 Have you ever wondered why its cause for celebration when a new year comes around. I mean, whats so great about writing 2016 instead of 2015? Are we celebrating that we are still here at the end of another year or are we so excited about the beginning of a fresh new year? The sun sets and rises just like it did before and yet its big party night for some people.

 Once again, at the start of a new year my mind goes a hundred directions and I wonder and ponder over many events. Last year Jonathan was still here and I still clung to the hope that maybe we would find a cure for this monster that invaded our lives. This year that hope is totally gone. This year I am no longer pouring over health books, and doing Google searches on an endless list of cancer questions, nor am I trying to find creative ways to cook healthy food, neither am I scrubbing a mountain of carrots or washing kale and spinach to send through the juicer, and the counter is not cluttered with veggie scraps and juicer parts and the table is not littered with books and papers. I still do some of those things but at a much lesser degree.

 Its so hard to believe that we have passed the 9 month mark of his passing. I will admit I entered this new year with a lot of mixed emotions. I'm glad I didn't know a year ago what was ahead of me and I'm just as glad this year that I don't know what's ahead of me now. I consider it God's kind grace that shields us from knowing the future. I'm so grateful for the grace he gives us along the way, just when I need it. There are new mountains in my path, decisions that need to be made, courses that need to be charted, and adventures that need to be explored. In fact I believe that is not only true in my life but in yours as well. Its the unknown future that makes it scary. How is God going to take care of this mountain?....and then I remember He took the other mountain and made it a little hill that we climbed together, those decisions that have long lasting results?... He has a really good record of giving wisdom to those that ask....and all those other things?... He has promised "to perfect the things that concern me". Do I have reason to worry or fear? The problem is, I want to trust Him, I want His wisdom, and I know He keeps His promises....but I fumble around in my doubt and worry even as I reach to grasp His Hands. Its like my heart knows that He is Able but my head keeps spinning with questions.

 Time keeps right on going, day and night, summer and winter. Time is that little dash between our birth and our death. You and I will not see the last date, its the one written on your memorial card and on your tombstone but that little dash is now. We dash around in life doing our thing and when we are gone those behind us will remember us by how we lived. They will remember your kind words or your harsh ones, they will remember your kindness and what was important to you. How do you want to be remembered? How are you living that little dash?

 Christmas was very relaxed...just like we wanted it! Christmas Eve we exchanged gifts and stayed up late. Christmas morning we slept late, then we ate cinnamon rolls and yogurt parfaits, had devotions and talked about memories of Jonathan and had discussions that only a house of boys would have. I guess I don't really know about that last statement because I never had girls. Anyway, games  food and relaxing made up the day and it went by to fast!

 New Years week was full and fun. My sister Barbie and her family from PA were in the area for the week and a niece and her family were also in the area for several days. It was fun spending time and money with them. We went to Gatlinburg TN one day, and dear me ,there were  to many people for me to feel relaxed! Why is it that after several days of vacation one needs to rest up!

 On Friday eve we decided to have frog more stew for supper. We had done it on New Years Eve several times before Jonathan was sick and our guests always enjoyed it. I thought it would be fun to do with Bob's but my boys had youth activities Thursday eve so we did it Friday night. I think its not that the food is so stunning, its more the way we eat it, that makes it fun. No plate or utensils and it is all dumped down the center of the table. We had a discussion on why the strange name of Frogmore Stew. Goggle had the answer....it was first done in a town in SC named Frogmore. Low Country Boil is another name for the concoction. Recipes also vary a great deal but I think the fun and fellowship are most important.

Jeremy went off to auctioneer school in MO. His uncle Nate went with him and they will be gone all week. He is the son that wants to take on the dream that his Father had at being an auctioneer. I miss him around home and the house seems to quiet at times.

 My boys would love more winter...especially snow. They were delighted that the slopes were open this week and they were able to go boarding. I can't help but be glad when they are home again all bones in place. Jeremy did hurt his knee and had to sit for awhile and did not work the next day. He said his knee hurt, his groin hurt and his ribs hurt in fact it hurt so much to breath that he thought about quitting! I think we are safe to believe there was a generous amount of exaggeration in the statement! But he thought it might have been a good idea to stay off his knee for 10 days. I suppose his knee will get some rest while his mouth gets a good work out!

 Yes, the new year is here. Are you excited? I'm not big on new year resolutions but one thing I really want to accomplish this year is read the Bible through from cover to cover. I bought a One Year Bible several years ago but I never was very faithful with the plan. This year I really want to stick with it. I'm ashamed to admit that I have never yet done that.

 My life picture looks very different then it did last year and sometimes I am overwhelmed by the constant sadness that is my daily companion. I desire to choose joy but neither can I simply pretend that I am blissfully happy.Sunday continues to be the hardest day of the week. Going to church and everyone else is a complete family reminds me of my loss, being with friends and sitting around the table to eat and everyone else sits with their spouse, causes some very self conscience moments, going shopping and Valentines Day is coming up, feels like a dart in my heart. The reality of my changes are everywhere. We have crossed many milestones without him, we have made good memories and had fun without him. Every new venture is another bend in the road of grief, and as days turn into weeks and weeks into months we know that the raw sharp edges of pain will ease, however it is true that at very unexpected times something hard shows up and the pain is as open and raw as ever. This is the journey of grief. I know that if I sink into my pillow and sob my eyes out, I know I will stop again, when there is only darkness around, I know that there will be light at the end of the tunnel again, it always has been.

 I Know That He Will Give Grace Just When I Need It In This New Year