"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord...." Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord...."   Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, April 2, 2016

This Season Called Spring

For many years Springtime has been my favorite season. The grass turning green, the red tulips, purple crocuses, and yellow daffadils add brilliant color to a drab world that is waking up from a long dark and cold winter. Blossoming pear trees and a beautiful array of color from bright pinks to deep purples and sunny yellows on the great variety of trees and shrubs is truly an awesome picture!The birds sing there morning praises early in the morning, neighbors go on brisk walks with dogs tugging at the leach, while the horses and cattle graze contentedly in the pasture and the rooster wakes up everyone that still has sleep in his eyes. The flies move in drunk like fashion still trying to warm up from hibernation and the bees are out and about checking the landscape and its not good for their future if they find a way into my bedroom!

 Seeds are put into soil and
watched with care as I water them and carefully monitor the temperature in my little green house. Daily prayers and watering as I watch the weather forecast in hopes that my work will be successful.

March 22, 2015
playing checkers with Carlin March 4th 2015
 This spring is very different then the past several have been. In fact I have never had a spring like this before. In 2013 we spent 3 weeks in Mexico for the surgery and then several more weeks throughout the year. In 2014 we were back there again for 9weeks for another surgery. In 2015 we were home and I could not wait for warm weather to get Jonathan out into the sun. I started seeds early in hopes of getting fresh food into his body....but it was not to be. Instead of the warm spring sunshine he moved to the Land where Jesus is the Light that shines, instead of fresh garden goodies he got a New Body that does not get hungry. We did spring and summer and fall and winter without him and now it is springtime again. How can it possibly be springtime again? I see all the beauty of the season, I hear the birds early in the morning, and as much as I love the sun and the warmth and dirt under my nails and the smell of mulch in the landscape it is not the same! The part of " joy shared" is keenly missed! That season is past!

I have more quiet times of working by myself that allows for lots of thinking. I have looked at old pictures of bygone years when he was smiling with his sons and the pain and reality of knowing that there will be know more pictures with him making memories with his sons has hit me like a rock. That season is forever gone. I was at Goodwill and browsing through my favorite section, books as you may have guessed, and I saw a book on marriage. That was my very favorite subject of books to buy and on impulse I picked it up.As I turned it over to read the back cover page I was suddenly aware of what I had just done and the pit of my stomach felt terrible! I quickly dropped the book and went elsewhere. That season of my life is over too.

March 23 2015
 Jonathan went to meet his Lord last year on Easter morning and it seemed then like it was the right day to Get to Glory. However now, Easter is not always on the same day of the year and it has made the "remembering" very prolonged! Its hard to sit in church on Easter morning and joyfully sing the beautiful resurrection songs when one is so keenly remembering the Easter morning when death stole the one that was the dearest to me. And now as we are in the count down to April 5th there are many many memories to live through. ONE thing that really helps to ease the hurt is to know that he is Pain Free and Living with His Lord. It hurts just a little bit to think that he does not wish to come back to us, but I know that is just one of my earthly thoughts.

              I wonder what Springtime in Heaven Is Like?